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urban renewal是什么意思,urban renewal的解释 - 英汉

一:urban renewal是什么意思,urban renewal的解释 - 英汉的意思

urban renewal是什么意思,urban renewal的解释 - 英汉

Urban renewal是指对城市中老旧、衰败的地区进行改造和更新,以提升城市形象和改善居民生活质量的过程。它通常涉及到对建筑物、基础设施、公共空间和社会服务等方面的改善。这个词组也可以用来指代这种改造和更新的行动。


Urban renewal [ˈɜːbən rɪˈnuːəl]


Urban renewal通常用作名词短语,在句子中作主语或宾语。:

- The government has launched a new urban renewal project to revitalize the city's downtown area.


- Many residents are opposed to the urban renewal plan, as they will have to relocate to make way for new developments.



1. The city has seen a dramatic transformation after years of urban renewal efforts. (经过多年的城市更新努力,这座城市发生了巨大变化。)

2. Urban renewal is often accompanied by gentrification, which leads to rising housing costs and displacement of low-income residents. (城市更新往往伴随着新贵化,导致住房成本上升和低收入居民被迫搬迁。)

3. The local government is seeking public input on the urban renewal plan before finalizing it. (地方正在最终确定城市更新计划之前征求公众意见。)

4. The abandoned industrial area has been transformed into a vibrant neighborhood thanks to the urban renewal project. (由于城市更新项目,这片废弃的工业区已经变成了一个充满活力的社区。)

5. Urban renewal can bring economic benefits to a city, but it should also prioritize the needs of its current residents. (城市更新可以为一个城市带来经济利益,但也应该优先考虑当前居民的需求。)


- City rejuvenation: 指对城市进行改造和更新,使其焕发新生。

- City revitalization: 指对城市进行改善和振兴,以提高其活力。

- Urban regeneration: 指对城市中老旧、衰败的地区进行改造和重建。

- Inner-city redevelopment: 指对内部地区进行再开发,以改善其状况。


Urban renewal是指对老旧、衰败的城市地区进行改造和更新的过程。它旨在提升城市形象、改善居民生活质量和促进经济发展。然而,它也可能导致新贵化和低收入居民被迫搬迁的问题。因此,在实施城市更新计划时,应该充分考虑到当前居民的需求,并寻求公众意见。同义词包括city rejuvenation、city revitalization、urban regeneration和inner-city redevelopment。


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