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1. stare是什么意思?


2. stare的用法和习惯搭配有哪些?

stare通常用作及物动词,后接宾语。它可以与介词at连用,表示盯着某个人或物体看;也可以与介词into连用,表示深深地注视某事物。常见的搭配有:stare at someone/something, stare into space, stare into the distance。

3. stare是什么意思?stare的用法和习惯搭配有哪些?读音读法


4. stare是什么意思?stare的用法和习惯搭配有哪些?的用例

1) The little girl stared at the strange man with curiosity.


2) She sat there, staring into space, lost in her thoughts.


3) The teacher fixed a stern stare at the misbehaving students.


4) He stared into the distance, wondering what his future holds.


5) I could feel his accusing stare on my back.


5. stare是什么意思?stare的用法和习惯搭配有哪些?组词

- starry-eyed (adj.) 目光迷离的,梦幻般的

- staringly (adv.) 凝视地,注视地

- unblinking stare (n.) 不眨眼的凝视

- wide-eyed stare (n.) 瞪大眼睛的凝视

6. stare是什么意思?stare的用法和习惯搭配有哪些?中英文对照

stare - 盯着看,凝视,注视

at - 在...上面,在...旁边,在...之间

into - 进入,注视,深入探究

space - 空间,太空

distance - 距离,远处



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