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UNCLOS什么意思? UNCLOS翻译(中文文):United Nat hellip


用法:UNCLOS是United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea的缩写,中文译为《联合国海洋法公约》。它是一项由联合国通过的国际公约,旨在规范海洋、海洋资源和海洋环境的管理和利用。该公约于1982年12月10日签署,并于1994年11月16日生效。

例句:1. The UNCLOS provides a framework for the peaceful use and management of the world's oceans. (《联合国海洋法公约》为世界海洋的和平利用和管理提供了框架。)

UNCLOS什么意思? UNCLOS翻译(中文文):United Nat hellip

2. According to UNCLOS, coastal states have exclusive rights over the resources within their 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zones. (根据《联合国海洋法公约》,沿海对其200海里专属经济区内的资源拥有独占权。)

3. UNCLOS also sets out rules for navigation, marine scientific research, and protection of the marine environment. (《联合国海洋法公约》还制定了关于航行、海洋科学研究和保护海洋环境的规则。)

4. The United States has not ratified UNCLOS, but it still follows its provisions as customary international law. (美国尚未批准《联合国海洋法公约》,但仍将其作为惯例国际法遵循。)

5. UNCLOS has been hailed as a significant achievement in international law and has been ratified by over 160 countries. (《联合国海洋法公约》被誉为国际法的重大成就,已经得到160多个的批准。)




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