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twice什么意思? twice翻译(中文文):两次, 两倍 hellip


twice什么意思? twice翻译(中文文):两次, 两倍 hellip

怎么读(音标): [twaɪs]

用法:twice可以用来修饰动词、形容词或副词,表示某件事情发生了两次或数量是原来的两倍。:I have been to Paris twice.(我去过巴黎两次。)She earns twice as much as me.(她挣的钱是我的两倍。)


1. I have to remind him twice before he remembers.(我不得不提醒他两次才能记起来。)

2. The population of the city has doubled twice in the past decade.(过去十年里,这座城市的人口翻了两番。)

3. She goes to the gym twice a week to keep fit.(她每周去健身房锻炼两次,保持身材。)

4. The company's profits have increased by more than twice since last year.(自从去年以来,公司的利润增长了超过一倍。)

5. He had to rewrite his essay twice before it was perfect.(他不得不重写他的文章两次才最终完美。)

同义词及用法:double, dual, twofold都可以表示“两倍”的意思。:double the amount(两倍的数量),dual citizenship(双重国籍),twofold increase(两倍增长)。



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