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turn the corner是什么意思,turn the corner的翻译,turn t

一:turn the corner是什么意思,turn the corner的翻译,turn t的意思

turn the corner是一个常用的英语短语,它的意思是“走出困境,好转,改善情况”。当一个人或者一个事物经历了一段困难或者低谷之后,最终开始走向好转,这时就可以使用turn the corner这个短语来形容。它也可以表示“转折点”,指的是某件事情发生重大变化的时刻。

turn the corner是什么意思,turn the corner的翻译,turn t


[ˈtərn ðə ˈkɔːrnər]


turn the corner作为一个动词短语,在句子中通常作为不及物动词使用,后面可以接名词或者代词作宾语。也可以作为及物动词使用,后面接介词短语作宾语。此外,还有一种常见的用法是作为不定式出现在句子中。


1. After months of hard work, our company has finally turned the corner and started making profits again. (经过几个月的努力工作,我们公司终于走出了困境,开始盈利了。)

2. The patient's condition was critical, but luckily he turned the corner and is now on his way to recovery. (病人的状况非常危急,但幸运的是他已经走出了困境,正在康复的路上。)

3. After a long period of depression, she finally turned the corner and found happiness again. (经历了漫长的低谷期之后,她终于走出了困境,重新找到了幸福。)

4. The company was on the brink of bankruptcy, but with the new CEO's leadership, it has turned the corner and is now thriving. (公司濒临破产,但在新CEO的领导下,它已经走出了困境,现在正在蓬勃发展。)

5. He was struggling with his addiction for years, but he finally turned the corner and has been sober for six months now. (多年来他一直在与自己的毒瘾作斗争,但最终他走出了困境,现在已经戒毒六个月了。)


1. get over something:克服困难,走出低谷。(例句:It took her a while to get over her divorce, but now she's doing much better.)

2. bounce back:反弹,恢复正常。(例句:The economy is slowly bouncing back after the recession.)

3. turn things around:扭转局面。(例句:With a new strategy in place, we hope to turn things around and increase our sales next quarter.)

4. see the light at the end of the tunnel:看到希望。(例句:After months of struggling, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that things will get better.)

5. make a comeback:卷土重来,东山再起。(例句:After a few years out of the spotlight, she made a comeback with a hit movie.)


turn the corner是一个常用的英语短语,它的意思是“走出困境,好转,改善情况”。它可以用来形容个人或者事物经历了一段低谷之后开始走向好转的时刻。它也可以表示“转折点”,指的是某件事情发生重大变化的时刻。除了作为动词短语外,还有一些同义词可以替代使用,如get over something、bounce back等。总的来说,turn the corner这个短语非常贴切地描述了人们在面对困难时最终走向好转的过程。


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