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trend什么意思? trend翻译(中文文):倾向, 趋势, 伸向 hellip

一:trend什么意思? trend翻译(中文文):倾向, 趋势, 伸向 hellip

trend什么意思? trend翻译(中文文):倾向, 趋势, 伸向 hellip



trend的音标为/trend/,读音为[ trend ]。


1. 作为名词时,trend通常指某种发展或变化的趋势或方向。:“There is a trend towards healthier eating habits among young people.”(年轻人中有一种健康饮食习惯的趋势)

2. 作为动词时,trend常用于形容事物朝着某个方向发展、变化或发展出某种趋势。:“The stock market has been trending upwards for the past month.”(股市在过去一个月呈上升趋势)


1. The current trend in fashion is towards sustainable and ethical clothing.(当前时尚界的趋势是朝着可持续和道德服装发展。)

2. The trend of online shopping has been on the rise in recent years.(近年来,网购的趋势一直在上升。)

3. The trend of using natural and organic beauty products is gaining popularity among consumers.(使用天然和有机美容产品的趋势在消费者中越来越受欢迎。)

4. The latest trend in technology is towards artificial intelligence and automation.(技术界最新的趋势是朝着人工智能和自动化发展。)

5. These data clearly show a downward trend in sales over the past year.(这些数据清楚地显示出过去一年销售额呈下降趋势。)


1. tendency:与trend相似,也可以表示某种倾向或趋势。:“There is a tendency for people to spend more money during the holiday season.”(人们在假期季节有花更多钱的倾向。)

2. inclination:也可以表示某种倾向或偏好,但更强调个人的意愿或倾向。:“I have no inclination to join the debate club.”(我没有加入辩论社团的意愿。)

3. drift:指事物朝着某个方向缓慢地移动或发展,含有不确定性和无目标性的意味。:“The conversation drifted towards politics.”(谈话逐渐转向话题。)

4. direction:与trend相似,也可以表示事物的发展方向。:“The company needs to change direction in order to stay competitive.”(为了保持竞争力,公司需要改变方向。)




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