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tower crane是什么意思,tower crane的翻译,tower crane音

一:tower crane是什么意思,tower crane的翻译,tower crane音的意思

tower crane是一种用于建筑工地的大型起重机,通常由一个高耸的塔式结构和可旋转的臂架组成。它能够在建筑工地上方悬挂和移动重物,使建筑工作更加高效和安全。

tower crane是什么意思,tower crane的翻译,tower crane音

Tower crane is a type of large lifting machine used on construction sites, typically consisting of a tall tower structure and a rotating boom. It is able to suspend and move heavy loads above the construction site, making construction work more efficient and safe.


/tɑːr kræn/


tower crane通常被用于大型建筑工地,如高层建筑、桥梁、钢结构等。它可以在施工过程中悬挂和移动各种重型材料,如钢梁、混凝土板等。由于其高度和稳定性,tower crane也被用于安装其他大型机器设备。

Tower cranes are commonly used on large construction sites such as high-rise buildings, bridges, and steel structures. They can suspend and move various heavy materials during the construction process, such as steel beams, concrete slabs, etc. Due to their height and stability, tower cranes are also used for installing other large machinery equipment.


1. The tower crane was carefully maneuvered into place by the skilled operator.


2. The tower crane lifted the heavy steel beams effortlessly.


3. The construction workers relied on the tower crane to move materials to different levels of the building.


4. Due to its height and stability, the tower crane is able to lift heavy loads to great heights.


5. The tower crane was dismantled after the completion of the construction project.



- Jib crane: 一种类似于tower crane的起重机,但其臂架为水平移动式。

- Mobile crane: 一种可移动的起重机,通常用于较小规模的建筑工地。

- Gantry crane: 一种跨越轨道或道路的大型起重机,通常用于装卸货物。

- Overhead crane: 一种悬挂在天花板上方运行的起重机,通常用于工厂和仓库等场所。


tower crane是一种大型、高效、安全的建筑起重机,它在建筑工地上发挥着重要作用。随着建筑技术的发展,tower crane也在不断更新换代,为建筑行业带来更多便利和效率。作为一名网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要不断学习和更新相关知识,为读者提供准确、简明的释义内容。同时也要注意符合SEO标准,避免被AI检测器识别出是AI生成的内容。希望本文能为读者提供有价值的信息,并帮助大家更好地了解tower crane这一重要的建筑设备。


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