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1. the act of making something tighter or more compact

2. the process of becoming tighter or more compact

3. a situation in which something becomes more difficult to do, achieve, or maintain



1. Tightening is an action that involves making something tighter or more compact.

2. When something tightens, it becomes tighter or more compact.

3. A tightening can also refer to a situation in which something becomes more difficult to do, achieve, or maintain.


1. The tightening of the screws made the machine run more smoothly.


2. As she pulled on the rope, she could feel it tightening around her waist.


3. The government implemented a tightening of immigration policies.


4. The economy is facing a tightening of credit regulations.


5. The company is going through a period of financial tightening.



1. Constriction: the act of making something narrower or tighter

例句:The constriction of blood vessels can lead to high blood pressure.

2. Compression: the act of pressing something into a smaller space

例句:The compression of files allows for easier storage and transfer.

3. Contraction: the process of becoming smaller or shorter

例句:The contraction of the muscles in his arm caused him pain.

4. Restriction: a rule or law that limits or controls what people can do

例句:The restriction on smoking in public places has led to a decrease in smoking rates.

5. Confinement: the state of being restricted or limited to a particular place or situation

例句:The confinement of prisoners to their cells was necessary for safety reasons.


Tightening is a versatile word that can be used to describe various actions and situations. It can refer to the act of making something tighter or more compact, the process of becoming tighter or more compact, or a situation in which something becomes more difficult to do, achieve, or maintain. Its synonyms include constriction, compression, contraction, restriction, and confinement. As an editor and translator for an online dictionary, it is important to provide clear and concise definitions and examples for users to fully understand the meaning and usage of this word.


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