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tickling什么意思? tickling翻译(中文文):反馈, 回授,自




1. The little girl couldn't s giggling as her mother tickled her. (小女孩被妈妈挠痒痒,笑个不停。)

tickling什么意思? tickling翻译(中文文):反馈, 回授,自

2. The comedian's jokes were so funny, they had the audience tickled pink. (喜剧演员的笑话太有趣了,让观众捧腹大笑。)

3. She felt a tickling sensation on her back and realized it was a spider crawling up her spine. (她感觉到背上有一种酥麻的感觉,意识到是只蜘蛛在爬上她的脊椎。)

4. The therapist used tickling as a form of therapy for patients with anxiety disorders. (治疗师将挠痒作为一种治疗焦虑症患者的方式。)

5. He couldn't help but let out a loud laugh when his friend tickled him unexpectedly. (当他朋友突然挠他时,他忍不住大笑出声。)


1. Tickle (v.) - to touch someone lightly in a way that makes them laugh or feel uncomfortable

2. Amuse (v.) - to entertain or make someone laugh

3. Titillate (v.) - to excite or arouse someone in a pleasurable way

4. Itch (v.) - to have a sensation that causes a desire to scratch

5. Tingle (v.) - to have a prickling or stinging sensation

6. Tease (v.) - to playfully annoy or provoke someone

7. Delight (v.) - to please or give great pleasure to someone

8. Thrill (v.) - to excite or give someone a feeling of pleasure or excitement




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