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thumb什么意思? thumb翻译(中文文):拇指, 以拇指拨弄, hellip

一:thumb什么意思? thumb翻译(中文文):拇指, 以拇指拨弄, hellip 的意思


thumb什么意思? thumb翻译(中文文):拇指, 以拇指拨弄, hellip




1. 作为名词时,thumb通常用来指代人类手掌中最粗短的那根手指。

- He sucked his thumb when he was a child. (他小时候吮吸他的拇指。)

- She has a scar on her thumb from cutting vegetables. (她手上有一道切菜时留下的伤疤。)

2. 作为动词时,thumb可以表示使用拇指轻松地翻阅书页或屏幕上的内容。

- I thumbed through the magazine while waiting for my appointment. (我在等待我的约会时翻阅杂志。)

- She thumbed the pages of her diary, trying to find a specific date. (她翻阅她的日记,试图找到一个特定的日期。)


1. He has a habit of sucking his thumb when he feels anxious. (当他感到焦虑时,他有吮吸拇指的习惯。)

2. She accidentally cut her thumb while chopping vegetables. (她在切菜时不小心割伤了拇指。)

3. The book was so interesting that she couldn't s thumbing through it. (这本书太有趣了,她无法停止翻阅。)

4. He thumbed the remote control, trying to find the right channel. (他用拇指按动遥控器,试图找到正确的频道。)

5. The old man had a habit of twirling his thumbs when he was deep in thought. (这位老人在深思时有一种转动拇指的习惯。)


1. digit:作为名词,它的意思是“手指”或“脚趾”,可以用来代替thumb。

- I counted on my fingers and toes, but I still couldn't remember the answer.


2. flick:作为动词,它的意思是“轻弹”,可以用来表示用手指轻轻地翻阅书页或屏幕内容。

- She flicked through the pages of her notebook, looking for her notes. (她翻阅笔记本的页面,寻找她的笔记。)

3. index finger:作为名词,它的意思是“食指”,可以用来指代人类手掌中第二根最长的手指。

- She pointed at the map with her index finger. (她用食指指着地图。)


Thumb这个单词既可以作为名词,表示“拇指”,也可以作为动词,表示“以拇指拨弄”。它通常用于表示人类手掌中最粗短的那根手指。在使用时,我们需要根据具体语境来确定它是作为名词还是动词。同时,我们还可以使用一些同义词来替换thumb,如digit、flick和index finger等。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解并正确使用thumb这个单词。


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