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thought是什么意思? thought翻译(中文文):思考, 想法,



thought是什么意思? thought翻译(中文文):思考, 想法,


1. I thought about the problem all night but still couldn't come up with a solution. 我整晚都在思考这个问题,但仍然想不出解决办法。

2. Have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future? 你有没有想过将来想做什么?

3. He suddenly thought of a brilliant idea and decided to put it into action immediately. 他突然想到一个绝妙的主意,并决定立即付诸行动。

4. She thought back to her childhood memories and smiled to herself. 她回忆起童年的记忆,自言自语地笑了。

5. It's important to think before you speak, as your words can have a big impact on others' thoughts and feelings. 说话之前先思考很重要,因为你的话语会对他人的思想和感情产生巨大影响。


1. contemplate: 沉思、盘算、深思熟虑。:He sat alone on the bench, contemplating his next move.

2. ponder: 思索、考虑。:She pondered over the decision for days before finally making up her mind.

3. meditate: 冥想、沉思。:He often meditates in the morning to clear his mind and start the day with a peaceful state.

4. reflect: 反思、反省。:She reflected on her past mistakes and vowed to do better in the future.

5. consider: 考虑、斟酌。:We need to consider all the options before making a decision.




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