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thinner什么意思? thinner翻译(中文文):稀释剂 hellip



例句:1. You need to add some thinner to the paint to make it easier to apply. (你需要往油漆里加一些稀释剂,让它更容易涂抹。)

2. The thinner is highly concentrated, so be careful when using it. (这种稀释剂非常浓缩,使用时要小心。)

thinner什么意思? thinner翻译(中文文):稀释剂 hellip

3. The manufacturer recommends using their brand of thinner for best results. (制造商建议使用他们自己品牌的稀释剂以获得最佳效果。)

4. Thinner is commonly used in the automotive industry for painting cars. (在汽车行业,稀释剂通常用于给汽车上漆。)

5. I accidentally spilled some thinner on my clothes and it caused a stain. (我不小心把一些稀释剂洒到了衣服上,导致留下了污渍。)

同义词及用法:diluent, solvent, diluting agent, thinner is used to make a substance less thick or concentrated by adding another liquid to it.



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