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the wild是什么意思? the wild翻译(中文文):荒野,户外 hellip

读音:[ðə waɪld]


例句:1. The wild is a place of untamed nature and raw beauty. (荒野是一个未被驯服的自然之地,充满原始美丽。)

2. We went camping in the wild and had a great time. (我们在野外露营,玩得很开心。)

the wild是什么意思? the wild翻译(中文文):荒野,户外 hellip

3. The wild animals in the safari park are well taken care of. (野生动物园里的野生动物得到了很好的照顾。)

4. He has a wild imagination and comes up with the most creative ideas. (他有着丰富的想象力,总能想出最有创意的主意。)

5. The wild party got out of control and ended with the police being called. (狂野的聚会失控了,最后不得不请来处理。)

同义词及用法:wilderness, outdoors, untamed, unspoiled, primitive

编辑总结:the wild指代未被人类驯服和改变的自然环境,也可以用来形容人或事物的狂野、不受或原始状态。它可以作为名词或形容词使用,在口语和文学作品中都很常见。同义词包括wilderness(荒野)、outdoors(户外)、untamed(未被驯服)、unspoiled(未被破坏)和primitive(原始的)。总的来说,the wild可以指代自然界的力量和美丽,也可以用来形容人们内心深处未被驯服的冲动和欲望。


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