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The Fray是什么意思,The Fray的翻译,The Fray音标、读音、

一:The Fray是什么意思,The Fray的翻译,The Fray音标、读音、的意思

The Fray是一个英文单词,意为“争吵”、“”、“纠纷”。作为名词时,它也可以指“战斗”、“战争”的状态。作为动词时,它可以表示“参加战斗”、“争辩”。


The Fray的音标为 /freɪ/。

The Fray是什么意思,The Fray的翻译,The Fray音标、读音、


The Fray作为名词时,常用于指代人与人之间的争吵、或纠纷。:“They had a big fray over the ownership of the land.” (他们就土地所有权问题发生了激烈的争吵。)作为动词时,常用于描述参加战斗或争辩的行为。:“He was eager to join the fray and prove his worth.” (他渴望参加战斗,证明自己的价值。)


1. The two brothers got into a heated fray over who would inherit their father's business. (两兄弟因谁将继承父亲的生意而发生了激烈的争吵。)

2. The soldiers were ready to join the fray and defend their country. (士们准备参加战斗,保卫自己的。)

3. The political debate quickly turned into a fierce fray between the two candidates. (辩论很快演变成了两位候选人之间的激烈争吵。)

4. The police were called to break up the fray between the two gangs. (被召唤来制止两个帮派之间的。)

5. After hours of non-s negotiations, the two countries finally reached a peace agreement and put an end to the long-standing fray. (经过数小时不断的谈判,两国终于达成和平协议,结束了长期存在的。)


1. Conflict:意为“”、“争吵”,与The Fray在含义上相似,但更常用于形容较大规模或较严重的。

2. Dispute:意为“争论”、“争端”,强调双方对某一问题持有不同意见而导致的争执。

3. Quarrel:意为“吵架”、“口角”,通常指个人之间因小事而发生的争吵。

4. Battle:意为“战斗”、“战役”,强调武力对抗或竞争。

5. Struggle:意为“挣扎”、“奋斗”,可指在困难或挑战面前的努力和斗争。


The Fray一词在英文中通常用于指代人与人之间的争吵、或纠纷,也可以用作动词表示参加战斗或争辩。它的近义词有Conflict、Dispute、Quarrel、Battle和Struggle等。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达。


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