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tendence什么意思? tendence翻译(中文文):趋势,趋向 hellip

读音: [ˈtendəns]


tendence什么意思? tendence翻译(中文文):趋势,趋向 hellip

例句:1. The tendence of the stock market is unpredictable. (股市的趋势是不可预测的。)

2. There has been a tendence towards healthier eating habits in recent years. (近年来人们越来越倾向于健康的饮食习惯。)

3. The tendence of technology is constantly evolving. (技术的发展方向在不断变化。)

4. There seems to be a tendence for people to work longer hours nowadays. (现在人们似乎有加班的倾向。)

5. The company needs to adapt to the current market tendences in order to stay competitive. (公司需要适应当前市场的趋势,以保持竞争力。)

同义词及用法:trend, direction, inclination, tendency, drift

编辑总结:Tendence是一个常用于描述事物或现象发展方向或倾向的抽象名词,常与动词形式一起使用,如follow, set, buck等。它可以指代任何领域中的发展趋势,如经济、社会、科技等。在写作中,我们可以使用相应领域的专业术语来替换tendence,以增强文章的准确性和专业性。


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