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temporarily什么意思? temporarily翻译(中文文):临时 hellip


temporarily什么意思? temporarily翻译(中文文):临时 hellip


例句:1. The store will be temporarily closed for renovations. (这家商店将暂时关闭进行装修。)

2. She's only staying here temporarily until she finds a new place to live. (她只是暂时住在这里,等找到新的住处就会搬走。)

3. The company has temporarily suspended production due to a shortage of materials. (由于材料短缺,公司暂时停止生产。)

4. I'm just temporarily filling in for my colleague while she's on maternity leave. (我只是暂时代替同事休产假期间的工作。)

5. The government has imposed a temporarily ban on all flights from the affected country. (已经暂时所有来自受影响的航班。)

同义词及用法:temporarily可以替换为temporarily、provisionally、temporarily、for the time being等词语,表示临时地、暂时地、临时地、目前等意思。



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