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tell什么意思? tell翻译(中文文):告诉, 说, 吩咐, hellip

一:tell什么意思? tell翻译(中文文):告诉, 说, 吩咐, hellip 的意思是传达或表达某种信息、指示或命令。

tell什么意思? tell翻译(中文文):告诉, 说, 吩咐, hellip



1. 表示传达信息或知识,:

- Can you tell me the time? (你能告诉我现在几点吗?)

- She told me a secret. (她告诉了我一个秘密。)

2. 表示陈述、说明或描述,:

- He told a funny story. (他讲了一个有趣的故事。)

- The painting tells a story of love and loss. (这幅画讲述了一段爱情与失去的故事。)

3. 表示向某人发出指示或命令,:

- My boss told me to finish the report by tomorrow. (我的老板要我明天之前完成报告。)

- The teacher told the students to be quiet. (老师吩咐学生安静。)

4. 表示辨认、区分或判断,:

- I can't tell the difference between these two dresses. (我分不清这两条裙子的区别。)

- Can you tell if she is lying? (你能判断她是否在撒谎吗?)

5. 表示预示或暗示,:

- The dark clouds tell of an approaching storm. (乌云预示着暴风雨即将来临。)

- His expression told me that he was not happy. (他的表情告诉我他不开心。)


1. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest gas station? (你能告诉我如何去最近的加油站吗?)

2. She told her children a bedtime story every night. (她每晚都给孩子们讲睡前故事。)

3. The doctor told me to take this medicine three times a day. (医生告诉我每天要服用这种药物三次。)

4. I can't tell if she is happy or sad from her facial expression. (从她的面部表情我无法判断她是快乐还是悲伤。)

5. The old man's eyes told of a life full of experiences and wisdom. (老人的眼神透露出一生充满经历和智慧。)


1. say:与tell相似,也可表示传达信息或陈述事实,但没有tell那么强调指令或命令的意味。

2. inform:与tell类似,也可表示传达信息,但更正式和正式一些。

3. order:表示强调命令或指示,比tell更加严厉和强硬。

4. instruct:与tell类似,也可表示指示或命令,但更多用于教育或指导方面。

5. reveal:与tell有些相似,也可表示透露或揭露某种信息。




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