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1. standard是什么意思:standard是一个名词,指的是一种被普遍接受的、作为衡量标准的事物或准则。它也可以用作形容词,表示符合标准的、合格的。

2. standard的用法和例句读音读法:[ˈstændəd],读作“斯坦德”。例句:“The company has set a high standard for its employees to follow.”(这家公司为员工设定了一个高标准要求他们遵循。)

3. standard的用法和例句的用例:

(1)According to industry standards, the product must pass strict quality control before it can be sold in the market.(根据行业标准,产品必须经过严格质量才能在市场上销售。)

(2)The international standard for measuring time is based on the Earth's rotation.(国际时间衡量标准是基于地球自转。)

(3)He always holds himself to a high moral standard and never compromises his principles.(他总是以高尚的道德标准要求自己,从不妥协自己的原则。)

(4)The company has implemented a new dress code as part of their brand image and professional standards.(作为品牌形象和专业标准的一部分,公司实施了新的着装规范。)

(5)The government has set a national education standard to ensure consistency in curriculum and teaching quality across the country.(制定了全国教育标准,以确保全国范围内课程和教学质量的一致性。)

4. standard是什么意思,standard的用法和例句组词:






5. standard是什么意思,standard的用法和例句的中英文对照:





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