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suspended什么意思? suspended翻译(中文文):1暂停的,缓


一、suspended什么意思? suspended翻译(中文文):1暂停的,缓

suspended什么意思? suspended翻译(中文文):1暂停的,缓


- The company suspended production due to the shortage of raw materials. (这家公司因原材料短缺而暂停生产。)

- The game was suspended due to bad weather. (比赛因天气不好而中止。)


- The chandelier is suspended from the ceiling. (吊灯悬挂在天花板上。)

- The bridge is supported by cables and appears to be suspended in mid-air. (这座桥由钢索支撑着,看起来悬浮在空中。)




1. 作动词时,常见搭配有:

- suspend production:暂停生产

- suspend judgment:保留判断

- suspend disbelief:暂时放弃怀疑

2. 作形容词时,常见搭配有:

- be suspended from:被悬挂在……上

- be suspended by:被……支撑

- be suspended in mid-air:悬浮在空中


1. The teacher suspended the student from school for a week for his bad behavior. (老师因学生的不良行为而将其停学一周。)

2. The construction of the building was suspended due to safety concerns. (由于安全问题,这座建筑的建设被暂停了。)

3. The artist's paintings were suspended on the walls of the gallery, creating a beautiful display. (艺术家的画作被悬挂在画廊的墙上,营造出美妙的展览效果。)

4. The acrobat performed a daring act while being suspended from a tightrope high above the ground. (杂技演员在高空悬挂在钢丝绳上表演了一场惊险的节目。)

5. The students were in awe as they watched the suspended bridge swing back and forth with each passing car. (学生们惊叹不已,每辆车经过时都会让这座悬索桥来回摇晃。)


1. pause: 暂停,中止(常指暂时性)

- He paused for a moment before answering the question. (他暂停了一下才回答问题。)

2. halt: 停止,中止(常指突然或完全)

- Work on the project has come to a halt due to lack of funding. (由于缺乏资金,这个项目的工作已经完全停止了。)

3. cease: 停止,中止(正式用语)

- The fighting finally ceased after months of negotiations. (经过数月的谈判,战斗最终停止了。)

4. discontinue: 中断,终止(常指不再继续)

- The company has decided to discontinue the production of this product. (公司决定不再生产这种产品。)


suspended是一个常用的英语单词,它可以作动词或形容词,意思为“暂停的”或“缓”的意思。作为动词时,常见搭配有suspend production和suspend judgment等;作为形容词时,常见搭配有be suspended from和be suspended in mid-air等。除此之外,还可以使用一些同义词如pause、halt、cease和discontinue来表达相似的意思。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和运用这个单词。


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