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survive什么意思? survive翻译(中文文):幸免于, 幸存,


survive什么意思? survive翻译(中文文):幸免于, 幸存,




1. survive作为及物动词时,后面通常接名词或代词作宾语,表示“幸免于”、“逃过”、“挺过”等含义。

例:He survived the car accident. (他在车祸中幸免于难。)

2. survive也可以作为不及物动词,表示“存活”、“生存”。

例:The species has survived for thousands of years. (这个物种已经存活了数千年。)

3. survive还可以用来表示“继续存在”,通常与副词together连用。

例:Their friendship has survived through all these years. (他们的友谊已经经历了这么多年仍然存在。)


1. He managed to survive the harsh winter in the mountains with just a few supplies. (他凭借一些少量的物资在山上度过了严冬。)

2. The company's profits have been declining, but they are determined to survive this difficult time. (公司的利润一直在下降,但他们决心要挺过这个艰难时期。)

3. Despite her illness, she is determined to survive and fight for her life. (尽管她生病了,但她决心要活下去并为自己的生命而战。)

4. The old traditions have survived in this village for centuries. (这个村子里的古老传统已经存活了数百年。)

5. After the earthquake, many people were trapped under the rubble but miraculously managed to survive. (地震发生后,许多人被困在瓦砾下,但奇迹般地幸存了下来。)


1. live through: 经历,度过(困难或危险)

例:She has lived through two wars and a famine. (她经历过两场战争和一场饥荒。)

2. endure: 忍受,持久

例:He endured the pain and finished the race. (他忍受着疼痛完成了比赛。)

3. overcome: 克服,战胜

例:With determination and hard work, he overcame all obstacles and achieved success in his career. (凭借决心和努力,他克服了所有障碍,在事业上取得了成功。)


survive是一个常用的动词,表示经历某种困难或危险后仍然活着或存在。它可以作及物动词或不及物动词使用,常与介词together连用来表示“继续存在”。其同义词包括live through、endure和overcome。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地理解和使用这些单词,以便为读者提供准确的释义和用法。


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