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surprised什么意思? surprised翻译(中文文):感到惊讶的



例句1:I was surprised to see him at the party last night. (我昨晚在派对上见到他,感到很惊讶。)

surprised什么意思? surprised翻译(中文文):感到惊讶的

例句2:She looked surprised when I told her the news. (当我告诉她这个消息时,她显得很惊讶。)

例句3:The sudden change in weather caught us by surprise. (天气突然变化让我们大吃一惊。)

例句4:I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food at this restaurant. (这家餐厅的食物质量让我感到愉快的惊讶。)

例句5:The unexpected gift from my friend left me pleasantly surprised. (朋友送给我的意外礼物让我感到愉快的惊喜。)


1. amazed: 感到惊奇的,强调更强烈的情绪。

例句:We were amazed by the beauty of the sunset. (我们被日落的美丽所震撼。)

2. astonished: 感到震惊的,强调更加强烈和不可思议的情绪。

例句:I was astonished by his sudden change of attitude. (他突然改变态度让我感到震惊。)

3. shocked: 感到震惊的,强调更加消极和不愉快的情绪。

例句:The news of the accident left us all shocked. (事故的消息让我们都感到震惊。)

4. taken aback: 感到吃惊的,通常用于形容突然遭遇令人意外或困惑的情况。

例句:I was taken aback by her unexpected question. (她出乎意料的问题让我感到吃惊。)

5. astounded: 感到震惊的,强调更加强烈和无法置信的情绪。

例句:We were astounded by the amount of money he spent on the trip. (他在旅行中花费如此多钱让我们大为吃惊。)




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