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1.strip的意思是指剥去或者去除某物的外层,使其变得光滑或平整。:She stripped the wallpaper off the wall.(她把墙上的壁纸剥了下来。)

2.strip也可以用作名词,指一条长条状的东西,通常是宽度相对较小。:The dancer wore a strip of cloth around her waist.(舞者腰间围着一条布带。)

3.strip还可以表示剥夺某人某物或某种权利。:He was stripped of his title as a result of his misconduct.(由于不当行为,他被取消了头衔。)

4.strip也可以指裸露或赤裸的状态。:He took off his clothes and lay on the bed, completely stripped.(他脱下衣服躺在床上,完全赤裸着身子。)

5.strip还可以表示剥离或分离某物的一部分。:She stripped a few leaves from the plant.(她从植物上摘下几片叶子。)


1. strip off 意为“脱掉”,:He stripped off his wet clothes and put on some dry ones.(他脱掉湿衣服换上干净的衣服。)

2. strip down 意为“拆卸”,:We need to strip down the engine to find the problem.(我们需要拆卸发动机找出问题所在。)

3. strip away 意为“剥离”,:The storm stripped away the leaves from the trees.(暴风雨把树上的叶子都吹落了。)

4. strip for 意为“为…脱衣”,:The dancers will strip for charity at the fundraiser.(舞者们将在筹款活动中为慈善脱衣。)

5. comic strip 指连环漫画,:I used to love reading comic strips in the newspaper when I was a kid.(我小时候很喜欢看报纸上的连环漫画。)


英 [strɪp] 美 [strɪp]


1. He stripped off his wet clothes and put on some dry ones.

2. We need to strip down the engine to find the problem.

3. The storm stripped away the leaves from the trees.

4. The dancers will strip for charity at the fundraiser.

5. I used to love reading comic strips in the newspaper when I was a kid.


1.striped (adj.) 有条纹的

2.striping (n.) 条纹图案

3.stripping (n.) 剥除,剥夺

4.stripper (n.) 脱衣舞者

5.unstriped (adj.) 无条纹的


1.strip的意思是指剥去或者去除某物的外层,使其变得光滑或平整。:She stripped the wallpaper off the wall.(她把墙上的壁纸剥了下来。)

2.strip也可以用作名词,指一条长条状的东西,通常是宽度相对较小。:The dancer wore a strip of cloth around her waist.(舞者腰间围着一条布带。)

3.strip还可以表示剥夺某人某物或某种权利。:He was stripped of his title as a result of his misconduct.(由于不当行为,他被取消了头衔。)

4.strip也可以指裸露或赤裸的状态。:He took off his clothes and lay on the bed, completely stripped.(他脱下衣服躺在床上,完全赤裸着身子。)

5.strip还可以表示剥离或分离某物的一部分。:She stripped a few leaves from the plant.(她从植物上摘下几片叶子。)



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