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suffer from什么意思? suffer from翻译(中文文):忍受,

【音标】[ˈsʌfər frəm]



1. He has been suffering from a serious illness for years. 他多年来一直患有严重的疾病。

suffer from什么意思? suffer from翻译(中文文):忍受,

2. Many children in developing countries suffer from malnutrition. 许多发展中的儿童都受到营养不良的困扰。

3. She suffers from severe anxiety and panic attacks. 她患有严重的焦虑和恐慌发作。

4. The company is suffering from financial difficulties due to the economic downturn. 由于经济下滑,该公司正面临财务困难。

5. People with allergies often suffer from seasonal symptoms such as sneezing and itchy eyes. 过敏的人经常会遭受季节性症状,比如打喷嚏和眼睛发痒。


1. Endure: 表示忍受某种不良情况或困难,强调持久性和坚韧性。:He endured years of poverty before becoming successful.

2. Experience: 表示经历某种事情或感受到某种情绪。:She experienced great joy when she won the competition.

3. Undergo: 表示经历或遭受某种变化或过程。:The city is undergoing a major transformation.

4. Bear: 表示忍受或承担某种负担或责任。:She couldn't bear the pain any longer and had to go to the hospital.

5. Tolerate: 表示容忍或忍耐某种不良情况或行为。:I can't tolerate his rude behavior any longer.


suffer from是一个常用的动词短语,表示某人正在遭受某种不良情况或疾病。它可以与各种名词搭配使用,如illness, anxiety, difficulties等。同义词有endure, experience, undergo等,但它们在用法和含义上有所区别。在写作中,我们应根据具体语境选择合适的动词表达,以丰富文章表达方式。


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