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subsequently什么意思? subsequently翻译(中文文):后来,



subsequently [ˈsʌbsɪkwəntlɪ]

subsequently什么意思? subsequently翻译(中文文):后来,


1. 作为副词,subsequently表示随后、其后、之后。:He missed the bus and subsequently had to walk home.(他错过了公交车,随后不得不步行回家。)

2. 作为连词,subsequently表示因此、结果。:The company was facing financial difficulties and subsequently had to lay off employees.(公司面临财务困难,因此不得不裁员。)


1. He was fired from his job and subsequently lost his apartment.(他被解雇了,随后失去了公寓。)

2. The team lost their first game, but subsequently won the rest of the season.(这支球队输掉了第一场比赛,但随后赢得了整个赛季的比赛。)

3. She missed her flight and subsequently had to reschedule her entire trip.(她错过了飞机,因此不得不重新安排整个旅程。)

4. The company's profits increased significantly and subsequently their stock prices rose as well.(公司利润大幅增加,其股价也随之上涨。)

5. The suspect was arrested and subsequently charged with robbery.(嫌疑人被逮捕,随后被指控抢劫。)


1. afterward:作为副词,表示在某个之后发生的事情,与subsequently的用法相似。:She missed her train and afterward had to take a taxi.(她错过了火车,随后不得不乘坐出租车。)

2. thereafter:作为副词,表示在某个之后一直发生的事情。:He moved to the city and thereafter lived there for the rest of his life.(他搬到城市,从此以后就一直住在那里。)

3. later on:作为副词短语,表示稍晚、稍后或以后发生的事情。:She finished her homework and later on went out with friends.(她完成了作业,稍晚和朋友出去了。)


Subsequently是一个常用的副词和连词,表示在某个或行动之后发生的事情。它可以与其他近义词如afterward、thereafter和later on互换使用,在句子中起到连接和衔接的作用。要注意subsequently作为连词时表示因此、结果的含义,在句子中要根据语境正确使用。


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