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submarine什么意思? submarine翻译(中文文):潜水艇, 潜


submarine什么意思? submarine翻译(中文文):潜水艇, 潜


例句1:The submarine disappeared into the depths of the ocean.


例句2:The navy uses submarines to gather intelligence and protect their territory.


例句3:The researchers used a submarine to explore the uncharted areas of the ocean floor.


例句4:The submarine was equipped with advanced technology for underwater navigation.


例句5:The captain and his crew spent months living in a cramped submarine during their mission.


同义词及用法:submersible (名词/形容词) - 指能够潜入水中或被浸入水中的物体或设备;underwater vessel (名词) - 指任何能在水下航行的船只。

编辑总结:Submarine是一个表示潜水艇的单词,它可以作为名词和形容词使用。它常用于和科学领域,指一种能在水下航行的船只。同义词包括submersible和underwater vessel。


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