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structure什么意思? structure翻译(中文文):结构, 构造,


structure什么意思? structure翻译(中文文):结构, 构造,



1. The structure of the company is very hierarchical, with clear levels of authority. 公司的结构非常等级分明,有清晰的权力层级。

2. The structure of this sentence is quite complex, with multiple clauses and phrases. 这个句子的结构相当复杂,包含多个从句和短语。

3. The Eiffel Tower is an iconic structure in Paris. 埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志性建筑。

4. We need to restructure our team in order to improve efficiency. 我们需要重组团队以提高效率。

5. The company has a flat organizational structure, with everyone having equal responsibility and authority. 公司拥有扁平化的组织结构,每个人都拥有同等责任和权力。


1. Composition: 指事物内部各部分之间相互关系和组合方式。例:The composition of this painting is very balanced.

2. Framework: 指支撑或固定其他东西的结构。例:The framework of the building was made of steel.

3. Organization: 指事物的结构和管理方式,也可以指或组织。例:The organization of this event was very well-planned.

4. Arrange: 指安排事物的顺序或位置。例:Please arrange the chairs in a circle for the meeting.

5. System: 指有机的整体,包含多个相互关联的部分。例:This company has a very efficient system in place.




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