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stressed out是什么意思,stressed out的翻译,stressed out


怎么读(音标):[strest aʊt]


stressed out是什么意思,stressed out的翻译,stressed out


1. She has been stressed out lately due to her heavy workload. (她最近因工作量大而感到焦虑不安。)

2. The students are stressed out before the final exams. (学生们在期末考试前都很紧张。)

3. I can tell that he is stressed out just by looking at his face. (从他的脸色就能看出他很焦虑。)

4. Don't stress yourself out too much, it's not good for your health. (不要让自己太过紧张,对健康不好。)

5. She is constantly stressed out at work and needs to find a way to relax. (她在工作中一直很紧张,需要找到放松的方法。)

同义词及用法:anxious, worried, overwhelmed, under pressure, tense

编辑总结:stressed out是一个描述人或情绪的复合词,表示处于紧张、焦虑、疲劳等状态。它可以作形容词或动词使用,常用于描述工作、学习或生活中的压力过大导致的焦虑不安。同义词有anxious, worried, overwhelmed, under pressure, tense等。使用时要注意上下文语境,避免过度使用,同时也要寻找放松的方式来缓解压力。


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