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怎么读(音标): [streɪndʒ]




1. She felt strange when she entered the old house alone. 她一个人进入那座旧房子时感到很奇怪。

2. It's strange that he didn't show up at the meeting today. 今天他没有出现在上,这很奇怪。

3. The strange noise coming from the basement scared me. 来自地下室的奇怪声音吓坏了我。

4. He has a strange habit of talking to himself when he's nervous. 当他紧张时,他有一种奇怪的习惯,就是和自己说话。

5. The strange phenomenon of a red moon only occurs once every hundred years. 红月亮这种奇特现象每百年才会出现一次。


1. unusual (adj.) 不寻常的,与众不同的

例句:It's unusual for her to be so quiet, usually she's very talkative. 她这么安静真是不寻常,通常她都很健谈。

2. peculiar (adj.) 奇特的,特别的

例句:She has a peculiar way of walking, it's like she's dancing. 她走路的方式很奇特,就像在跳舞一样。

3. bizarre (adj.) 奇异的,古怪的

例句:The strange man was wearing a bizarre outfit that caught everyone's attention. 那个奇怪的男人穿着一身古怪的服装,吸引了所有人的注意力。

4. odd (adj.) 奇怪的,古怪的

例句:It was an odd coincidence that we both chose the same book to read on the same day. 我们在同一天都选择了同一本书看,这真是一个巧合。

5. peculiar (adj.) 异常的,罕见的

例句:The strange weather patterns have caused a peculiar phenomenon in the ocean. 这种奇特的天气模式导致海洋出现了罕见现象。



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