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1.speaker是指,讲话者,演讲者等,通常指在公众场合发表演说或者发表讲话的人。:The speaker at the conference was very knowledgeable on the ic.(上的对这个话题非常了解。)

2.speaker也可以指扬声器,音箱等设备,用于放大声音。:The speaker in my car is not working properly.(我车里的音响工作不正常。)

3.在语言学中,speaker也可以指说话人,即使用某种语言进行交流的个体。:The speaker of this language has a distinct accent.(这种语言的说话人有独特的口音。)

4.speaker也可以用作形容词,表示能够发出声音的。:The speaker system in the theater was -notch.(剧院里的音响非常棒。)

5.speaker也可以指代电脑中的声卡或者扬声器驱动程序。:I need to update my speaker drivers for better sound quality.(我需要更新我的扬声器驱动程序以获得更好的音质。)




1. The speaker at the meeting was very engaging and kept the audience interested.


2. The speaker of this language has a strong accent that is difficult for me to understand.


3. The speaker system in this theater is state-of-the-art and provides amazing sound quality.


4. The speaker on my phone is not working, so I can't hear the person on the other end of the line.


5. As a language model AI, I am a virtual speaker capable of communicating in multiple languages.



1. guest speaker (特邀演讲嘉宾)

2. Bluetooth speaker (蓝牙扬声器)

3. motivational speaker (励志演讲者)

4. loudspeaker (喇叭)

5. keynote speaker (主题演讲人)


1. The speaker at the conference was very knowledgeable on the ic.


2. I need to update my speaker drivers for better sound quality.


3. 作为一个语言模型AI,我是一个虚拟,能够用多种语言进行交流。

As a language model AI, I am a virtual speaker capable of communicating in multiple languages.

4. 这种语言的说话人有浓重的口音,我很难听懂。

The speaker of this language has a strong accent that is difficult for me to understand.

5. 这个剧院的音响是最先进的,提供出色的音质。

The speaker system in this theater is state-of-the-art and provides amazing sound quality.

6. 我手机上的扬声器坏了,所以我听不到对方说话。

The speaker on my phone is not working, so I can't hear the person on the other end of the line.



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