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stay alive是什么意思,stay alive的翻译,stay alive音标、

stay alive是一个常见的短语,意思是“保持活着”或“继续生存”。它可以用来表示生存的重要性,也可以作为一种鼓励或祝福的话语。在这篇词典翻译类文章中,我们将会详细介绍这个短语的意思、读音、用法、例句以及同义词及其用法,并最后总结编辑的观点。

一:stay alive是什么意思,stay alive的翻译,stay alive音标

stay alive的字面意思是“保持活着”,它由两个单词组成,其中stay是动词,意为“停留”、“保持”、“继续”,而alive则是形容词,表示“活着”的状态。结合起来就是指保持生命状态、继续生存下去。

stay alive是什么意思,stay alive的翻译,stay alive音标、


在英语中,stay alive通常作为一个动词短语出现,在句子中常用作谓语动词。:

- We must stay alive no matter what happens. (无论发生什么事情,我们都必须坚持活下去。)

- The soldiers fought bravely to stay alive. (士们勇敢地战斗,为了活下去。)


stay alive的读音为[steɪ əˈlaɪv],其中stay的发音为[steɪ],强调第一个音节,而alive则为[əˈlaɪv],强调第二个音节。这个短语的发音相对简单,但是需要注意的是“ai”这个组合字母在英语中通常读作[ə]。


stay alive可以用来表示生存的重要性或鼓励他人坚持下去。它可以用作谓语动词、形容词或名词短语。除了上面提到的例句外,它还可以用于以下场景:

1. 表示生存的重要性

- The doctor's main goal is to help the patient stay alive. (医生的主要目标是帮助患者保持生命。)

- In extreme conditions, our basic instinct is to stay alive. (在极端条件下,我们的基本本能就是保持生存。)

2. 鼓励他人坚持下去

- Don't give up, keep fighting and stay alive! (不要放弃,继续战斗并保持活着!)

- We must stay alive for the sake of our children. (我们必须为了孩子们而活下去。)

3. 形容人或物的状态

- The injured hiker struggled to stay alive until help arrived. (受伤的登山者努力保持生命,直到救援到达。)

- This old car is still running, but barely staying alive. (这辆老爷车还在跑,但是勉强维持着生存。)

4. 表示延续

- The tradition of making mooncakes has stayed alive for hundreds of years. (制作月饼的传统已经延续了数百年。)

- The memory of her kindness will stay alive in our hearts forever. (她的善良之举将永远活在我们心中。)


1. Don't worry, we'll find a way to stay alive in this harsh environment.


2. The survivors of the shipwreck had to stay alive on a deserted island until they were rescued.


3. She was determined to stay alive and see her children grow up.


4. In order to stay alive, the astronaut had to fix the broken oxygen tank.


5. The ancient tradition of dragon boat racing has stayed alive for thousands of years.



1. survive:与stay alive意思相同,指在困难或危险的情况下仍然存活下来。它也可以表示“比…长命”、“幸存”等含义。

- The polar bear must hunt to survive in the harsh Arctic environment. (北极熊必须捕猎才能在恶劣的北极环境中生存。)

- He was the only one who survived the plane crash. (他是唯一幸免于飞机失事的人。)

2. keep alive:与stay alive意思相似,强调继续保持生存或延续下去。它也可以表示“保持活力”、“保持记忆”等含义。

- We need to keep the fire alive or we'll freeze to death in this cold weather. (我们需要让火保持燃烧,否则在这种寒冷天气里我们会冻死。)

- His music keeps his memory alive in our hearts. (他的音乐让他的记忆在我们心中永远活着。)

3. stay afloat:指保持在水面上漂浮,也可比喻为“维持生计”、“艰难地生存下去”。

- The lifeboat helped them stay afloat until they were rescued. (救生艇帮助他们维持在水面上,直到被救援。)

- The small business struggled to stay afloat during the economic crisis. (小企业在经济危机中艰难地维持生计。)


stay alive是一个常见的短语,意思是“保持活着”或“继续生存”。它强调了生存的重要性,在面对困难和挑战时,我们必须坚持下去,不放弃希望。这个短语的发音相对简单,但是需要注意的是“ai”这个组合字母在英语中通常读作[ə]。它可以用作谓语动词、形容词或名词短语,在句子中常用来表示生存的重要性、鼓励他人坚持下去、形容人或物的状态以及表示延续。同义词有survive、keep alive和stay afloat等,它们也都强调了生存的重要性和坚持下去的意义。总而言之,stay alive这个短语提醒我们珍惜生命,坚持不懈地追求自己的梦想与目标。


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