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一:spare是什么意思,spare的解释 的意思:






1. 作为动词:

(1) 节约使用:指节省、保留某物以备未来需要。

例句:I always try to spare some time for my family. (我总是尽量抽出时间陪伴家人。)

(2) 饶恕,原谅:指宽恕、宽容他人所犯的错误。

例句:Please spare me, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. (请原谅我,我并不是故意伤害你的感情。)

(3) 抽出时间做某事:指在忙碌中抽出一些时间去做其他事情。

例句:Can you spare a few minutes to help me with this project? (你能抽出几分钟帮我完成这个项目吗?)

(4) 避免使用:指尽量避免或减少使用某物。

例句:I try to spare my car as much as possible to save on gas. (我尽量少用车,以节省汽油。)

2. 作为形容词:

(1) 备用的,多余的:指作为备用或剩余的。

例句:Do you have a spare pen I can borrow? (你有多余的笔可以借给我吗?)

(2) 瘦弱的,消瘦的:指身体瘦小或消瘦。

例句:He looked so spare after being sick for weeks. (他因为生病几周后显得很消瘦。)


1. Can you spare some change? 你能给我一些零钱吗?

2. He spared no expense in planning the wedding. 他在筹划婚礼时不惜花费。

3. Please spare me the details, I don't want to hear about it. 请不要告诉我细节,我不想听。

4. Do you have any spare time this weekend? 这个周末你有空吗?

5. The doctor said I need to gain some weight, I'm too spare right now. 医生说我需要增加一些体重,我现在太消瘦了。


1. conserve: 指节约、保留某物以备未来需要。:We need to conserve water during this drought.

2. forgive: 指宽恕、原谅他人的过错。:I can never forgive him for what he did.

3. set aside: 指抽出时间做某事。:I always try to set aside some time for my hobbies.

4. avoid: 指避免使用或接触某物。:Please avoid using harsh chemicals on your skin.

5. spare tire: 指备用轮胎,也可以指身体上的赘肉。:I need to change my spare tire, it's flat.




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