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1.sales是指销售或销售额,也可以指销售业务或销售部门。:The company's sales have been steadily increasing this year. (这家公司今年的销售额持续增长。)

2. sales也可以作为名词使用,表示促销活动或特价商品。:The store is having a big sale on all winter clothing. (这家商店正在举行所有冬季服装的大甩卖。)

3. 作为动词,sales指的是进行销售活动或向顾客推销产品。:She works in the marketing department and her main responsibility is to sales our new product. (她在市场部门工作,她的主要职责是推销我们的新产品。)


1. sales的读音为/seɪlz/,注意"a"和"e"之间有一个轻微的断音。

2. 这个单词没有复数形式,因为它表示一种概念而不是具体物体。


1. The company's annual sales report showed a significant increase in profits this year.


2. The sales team has been working hard to promote our new product to potential customers.


3. The store is having a clearance sale to get rid of old inventory.


4. The holiday season is always the busiest time for sales in retail stores.


5. The company's sales strategy includes targeting a younger demographic through social media marketing.



1. salesperson (销售员)

2. sales pitch (推销话术)

3. sales target (销售目标)

4. sales volume (销售量)

5. sales forecast (销售预测)


1. The company's annual sales report showed a significant increase in profits this year.


2. She works in the marketing department and her main responsibility is to sales our new product.


3. 这家商店正在举行所有冬季服装的大甩卖。

(The store is having a big sale on all winter clothing.)

4. 市场部门一直在努力向潜在客户推广我们的新产品。

(The sales team has been working hard to promote our new product to potential customers.)

5. 公司的销售策略包括通过社交媒体营销来针对年轻人群体。

(The company's sales strategy includes targeting a younger demographic through social media marketing.)



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