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snow leopard是什么意思,snow leopard的翻译,snow leopard

一:snow leopard是什么意思,snow leopard的翻译,snow leopard的意思

Snow leopard是一种生活在高海拔地区的大型猫科动物,也被称为雪豹。它们主要分布在中亚和南亚的高山地区,是世界上最稀有的大型猫科动物之一。它们以其美丽的皮毛和敏捷的身姿而闻名,被认为是雪山之王。

snow leopard是什么意思,snow leopard的翻译,snow leopard


[snoʊ ˈlepərd]


Snow leopard可以作为名词使用,表示雪豹这种动物。也可以作为形容词使用,表示与雪豹相关的。


1. The snow leopard is a highly elusive and solitary animal, making it difficult for researchers to study them.(雪豹是一种极具隐秘性和孤僻性的动物,这使得研究人员很难对它们进行研究。)

2. Snow leopards have evolved to survive in harsh mountain environments, with their thick fur and large paws for better grip on steep terrain.(雪豹进化出了在恶劣山地环境中生存的能力,它们厚重的皮毛和大爪子可以更好地抓住陡峭的地形。)

3. The snow leopard is listed as an endangered species, with only around 4,000 individuals left in the wild.(雪豹被列为濒危物种,野外仅剩约4000只个体。)

4. Snow leopards are known for their incredible jumping abilities, with the ability to leap up to 50 feet in one jump.(雪豹以其惊人的跳跃能力而闻名,一次跳跃可以达到50英尺。)

5. The snow leopard's coat is covered in rosettes and spots, which helps them blend into their snowy surroundings and remain hidden from predators.(雪豹的皮毛上布满花斑和斑点,这有助于它们融入雪白的环境中,并避免被捕食者。)


1. Leopard:美洲豹,也是猫科动物中的一种,与雪豹有着相似的外观和特征。

2. Panthera uncia:学名,也可以用来指代雪豹。

3. Big cat:大型猫科动物的统称,包括雪豹在内。




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