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snap什么意思? snap翻译(中文文):猛地吸住, 突然折断 hellip


怎么读(音标): [snæp]


1. 作为动词时,snap可以表示以下含义:

snap什么意思? snap翻译(中文文):猛地吸住, 突然折断 hellip

- 突然折断或破裂:The branch snapped under the weight of the snow. (树枝在雪的重量下突然折断了。)

- 猛地吸住:He snapped his fingers to get her attention. (他弹了弹手指,吸引她的注意力。)

- 突然变化或转变:The weather can snap from sunny to stormy in a matter of minutes. (天气可以在几分钟内从晴朗变成暴风雨。)

- 快速关闭或打开:She snapped her book shut and stood up. (她猛地合上书,站了起来。)

- 咬或咬断:The dog snapped at the stranger's hand. (狗朝陌生人的手咬去。)

- 拍照:She loves snapping photos of nature. (她喜欢拍摄大自然的照片。)

2. 作为名词时,snap可以表示以下含义:

- 突然的响声:The snap of a twig alerted them to the presence of someone behind them. (树枝的啪嗒声让他们注意到身后有人。)

- 快照:I'll take a snap of you in front of the Eiffel Tower. (我会在埃菲尔铁塔前给你拍一张快照。)

- 突然的变化或转变:The sudden snap in the weather caught them off guard. (突然的天气变化让他们措手不及。)

- 抓取或抓住:He caught the ball with a quick snap of his hands. (他用快速的手法接住了球。)


1. The twig snapped in half under the weight of the snow.


2. She snapped her fingers to get the waiter's attention.


3. His mood snapped from happy to angry in an instant.


4. She snapped open her umbrella as soon as it started raining.


5. The dog snapped at the mailman, but luckily didn't bite him.



1. break: 表示突然折断或破裂。

2. grab: 表示抓取或抓住。

3. click: 表示轻响或快速关闭。

4. change: 表示突然的变化或转变。

5. bite: 表示咬或咬断。




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