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slide over什么意思? slide over翻译(中文文):回避, 略

怎么读(音标):[slaɪd ˈoʊvər]

用法:slide over是一个动词短语,意为“回避”、“略过”。通常用于表示避开或忽略某件事情或某个人。

例句1:I tried to bring up the issue, but he just slid over it and changed the subject.

slide over什么意思? slide over翻译(中文文):回避, 略


例句2:She always slides over her mistakes and never takes responsibility for them.


例句3:The speaker slid over the controversial ic and moved on to the next point.


例句4:Instead of addressing the problem, he just slid over it and pretended everything was fine.


例句5:Don't try to slide over your responsibilities. Face them head on.


同义词及用法:avoid、ignore、evade、brush off、skirt around等均可表示“回避”的意思。:

- I always try to avoid confrontation with my boss. (我总是尽量避免与老板对抗。)

- He ignored my question and continued talking. (他忽略了我的问题,继续谈话。)

- She evaded my question by changing the subject. (她通过转换话题来回避我的问题。)

- The politician brushed off the reporter's question and walked away. (那位家对记者的问题不屑一顾,走开了。)

- He skirted around the issue and never gave a direct answer. (他绕着这个问题说,从未给出直接的答案。)

编辑总结:slide over是一个常用的动词短语,意为“回避”、“略过”。它可以用于各种场合,表示避开或忽略某件事情或某个人。它的同义词包括avoid、ignore、evade等,但它们各有侧重点。在写作时,应根据语境选择最合适的词汇来表达“回避”的意思。


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