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1. slammed是一个动词,意为“猛力关闭;猛然扔下;猛击;抨击”。它也可以用作形容词,意为“被猛力关闭的;被猛然扔下的;被猛击的”。

2. slammed的中文翻译有多种,常见的有“重击;抨击;撞击;大力关上”。根据具体语境,也可以译为“猛然关闭”、“重重地扔下”、“抨击”等。

3. slammed的音标为/slæmd/,读音为[slamd]。

4. slammed作为动词时,常用于以下几种情况:

a. 猛力关闭:He slammed the door shut and stormed out of the room.(他重重地关上门,愤怒地离开了房间。)

b. 猛然扔下:She slammed her books on the table and sat down with a huff.(她把书重重地扔在桌子上,气哼哼地坐了下来。)

c. 猛击:The boxer was slammed to the ground by his opponent's powerful punch.(拳击手被对手强有力的一拳打倒在地。)

d. 抨击:The newspaper article slammed the government's new policy as ineffective.(报纸文章抨击的新无效。)

5. slammed作为形容词时,常用于以下几种情况:

a. 被猛力关闭的:The slammed door woke me up from my nap.(被重重关上的门把我从午睡中惊醒。)

b. 被猛然扔下的:The books were left lying on the floor after being slammed down by the angry student.(那些书被生气的学生猛然扔在地上。)

c. 被猛击的:The car's door was dented and damaged from being slammed into a tree.(车门被撞到树上,凹陷受损。)




1. slammed作为动词,常用于表示强烈、突然、不客气地做某事。

2. slammed也可以表示对某人或某物进行抨击、批评或攻击。

3. 作为形容词时,slammed通常用来形容被强烈冲击或撞击过后留下的结果。


1. The angry customer slammed his fist on the counter, demanding a refund for the faulty product.


2. The teacher slammed her ruler on the desk to get the students' attention.


3. The politician was slammed by the media for his controversial remarks.


4. The storm slammed into the coast, causing widespread damage.


5. The door was left hanging off its hinges after being slammed shut in a fit of anger.



1. bang:意为“砰地一声;重击;抨击”。常用于表示突然、强烈地发出声音或做出动作。

2. slam down:意为“猛然放下;重重地放下”。常用于表示不礼貌、愤怒地把某物放下。

3. pound:意为“敲打;捶打;大力关上”。常用于表示强有力地做某事或发出声音。

4. lash out:意为“突然发作;猛攻;抨击”。常用于表示情绪激动、愤怒地做出某种行为。

5. criticize:意为“批评;指责;抨击”。常用于表示对某人或某事物进行负面评价。


slammed是一个多义词,既可以作为动词表示猛力关闭、猛然扔下、猛击、抨击,也可以作为形容词表示被猛力关闭的、被猛然扔下的、被猛击的。它常用于表示强烈、突然、不客气地做某事,也可以表示对某人或某物进行抨击、批评或攻击。在使用时,需要根据具体语境来确定其含义。同时,还有一些近义词可以替换使用,如bang、slam down等。


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