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skull什么意思? skull翻译(中文文):头脑, 头骨 hellip

一:skull什么意思? skull翻译(中文文):头脑, 头骨 hellip


skull什么意思? skull翻译(中文文):头脑, 头骨 hellip




1. 作为名词时,可用于以下几种情况:

- 指人类或动物的头部骨骼结构。

例句:The archaeologists found several ancient skulls buried in the ground. (考古学家在地下了几个古老的头骨。)

- 指某些物体的外形像头骨。

例句:This bottle has a skull-shaped design on it. (这个瓶子上有一个像头骨一样的设计。)

- 比喻指人类或动物的智力、智慧、记忆等方面。

例句:He has a sharp skull and can solve difficult problems quickly. (他有敏锐的头脑,能够迅速解决难题。)

2. 作为动词时,通常用于形容激烈的运动或战斗,也可以用于比喻性的表达。

例句:The two teams were skulling it out on the field. (两支队伍在场上激烈对抗。)

例句:The two candidates were skulling it out in the debate. (两位候选人在辩论中激烈竞争。)


1. The doctor examined the patient's skull to check for any fractures. (医生检查了病人的头骨,看是否有骨折。)

2. The skull of a lion is much larger than that of a domestic cat. (狮子的头骨比家猫大得多。)

3. The criminal used a human skull as a prop in his horror movie. (罪犯在他的恐怖电影中使用了一个人类头骨作为道具。)

4. She has a photographic memory and can remember every detail with her sharp skull. (她有一种摄影记忆能力,能够用她敏锐的头脑记住每一个细节。)

5. The two brothers were constantly skulking and fighting with each other, much to their parents' frustration. (这两个兄弟经常偷偷摸摸地打架,让父母非常沮丧。)


1. cranium:作为名词,它的意思与skull相同,指人类或动物的头部骨骼结构。

例句:The skull is composed of 22 bones, including the cranium and facial bones. (头骨由22块骨头组成,包括颅骨和面部骨骼。)

2. head:作为名词,它的意思是“头”,可以用来指人类或动物的头部。

例句:The head of a hammer is used to hit nails. (锤子的头部用来敲钉子。)

3. noggin:作为名词,它的意思是“脑袋”,通常用于非正式场合。

例句:Use your noggin and come up with a solution to this problem. (动动你的脑袋,想出一个解决方案。)




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