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skipper什么意思? skipper翻译(中文文):船长 hellip

一:skipper什么意思? skipper翻译(中文文):船长 hellip 的意思为船长,指的是船只或船队的负责人。在中也可以指指挥官或。


三:用法:skipper可以作为名词使用,表示船长或;也可以作为动词使用,表示担任船长或的职责。常见搭配有“be the skipper of”(担任…的船长)、“skipper a ship”(驾驶一艘船)等。


1. The skipper of the ship made the final decision on whether to continue sailing through the storm. (这艘船的船长做出了是否继续在暴风雨中航行的最终决定。)

skipper什么意思? skipper翻译(中文文):船长 hellip

2. Captain Smith is the skipper of our football team, and he always leads us to victory. (史密斯队长是我们足球队的,他总能带领我们取得胜利。)

3. The young sailor aspires to become a skipper one day and sail around the world. (这位年轻的水手渴望有一天能成为一名船长,环游世界。)

4. The skipper skillfully navigated the ship through the treacherous waters. (船长熟练地驾驶着船只穿过危险的水域。)

5. The skipper was responsible for the safety of all passengers on board. (船长对船上所有乘客的安全负有责任。)

五:同义词及用法:captain(n. 船长)、commander(n. 指挥官)、leader(n. )



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