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sibyl什么意思? sibyl翻译(中文文):女巫, 女算命师, hellip


sibyl什么意思? sibyl翻译(中文文):女巫, 女算命师,  hellip


例句1:The sibyl gazed into her crystal ball, trying to decipher the future.(女巫凝视着她的水晶球,试图解读未来。)

例句2:The sibyl's predictions were known to be accurate and often sought after by kings and rulers.(女算命师的预言被认为是准确的,经常被国王和者寻求。)

例句3:The sibyl was said to have the gift of prophecy, able to see into the future and foretell events.(据说女巫拥有预言的天赋,能够看到未来并预言。)

例句4:The sibyl's cryptic words left the villagers confused and intrigued.(女巫晦涩的话语让村民们感到困惑和好奇。)

例句5:In ancient times, people would make long journeys to consult with a sibyl for guidance or advice.(在古代,人们会远行去请教一位女巫寻求指导或建议。)

同义词及用法:fortune teller (占卜师), prophetess (先知), oracle (神谕), clairvoyant (有洞察力的人)

编辑总结:sibyl一词源自希腊神话,指古代神谕女祭司,后来也用来指女性预言家或占卜师。其读音为[sib-il],是一个名词,在句子中作为主语或宾语使用。人们常常会寻求sibyl的预言或建议,相信她们能够看到未来并给予指导。同义词包括fortune teller、prophetess、oracle和clairvoyant等,但每个词都有其特定的含义和用法。总的来说,sibyl是一个充满神秘感和魅力的词汇,在文学作品中也经常被使用。


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