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short of是什么意思,short of的解释

short of是一个英语短语,意思是缺乏、不足或者不够。它可以用来形容物品、时间、人员等各种情况下的不足。在口语中,也可以用来表示某人的能力不够或者缺乏某种技能。


short of:[ʃɔːrt ɒv]


short of常作为介词短语使用,后面接名词或动名词作宾语。它的主要用法有以下几种:

short of是什么意思,short of的解释

1. 表示缺乏或不足

We are short of money this month. (这个月我们缺钱了。)

I'm afraid we are short of time, we need to hurry up. (恐怕我们时间不够了,我们需要加快速度。)

2. 表示达不到某种标准或要求

You are short of the required qualifications for this job. (你达不到这份工作所要求的资格。)

The team is short of experience in this field. (这个团队在这个领域缺乏经验。)

3. 表示没有做某事

I'm sorry, I'm short of sending you the report on time. (对不起,我没能按时给你发报告。)

4. 表示比预期少

The actual sales figures were short of our expectations. (实际销售额比我们预期的少。)

5. 表示缺少某种能力或技能

He is short of patience when dealing with difficult customers. (在处理难缠的顾客时,他缺乏耐心。)


1. The company is short of staff, we need to hire more people. (公司人手不足,我们需要招聘更多人。)

2. I'm sorry, I'm short of cash right now. Can you lend me some? (对不起,我现在手头没现金。你能借我一点吗?)

3. The team is short of time, we won't be able to finish the project on schedule. (团队时间不够,我们无法按时完成这个项目。)

4. My car broke down in the middle of the highway, and I was short of a phone to call for help. (我的车在高速公路上抛锚了,我没有手机求救。)

5. He is short of experience in managing a team, so he needs more training before taking on the role of a manager. (他在团队管理方面经验不足,所以在担任经理之前需要接受更多培训。)


1. lacking in:与short of意思相近,表示缺乏某种东西。

e.g. The company is lacking in resources to expand its business.

2. deficient in:与short of意思相近,表示缺乏某种特定的能力或素质。

e.g. He is deficient in communication skills, so he needs to work on it.

3. wanting:与short of意思相近,表示不足或缺乏。

e.g. The team is wanting in motivation, we need to find ways to boost their morale.

4. scarce:与short of意思相近,表示稀缺或不足。

e.g. Food and water are scarce in the drought-affected area.

5. inadequate:与short of意思相近,表示不够充分或不足够。

e.g. His explanation was inadequate and left us with more questions than answers.


short of是一个常用的英语短语,意思是缺乏、不足或者不够。它可以用来形容物品、时间、人员等各种情况下的不足。在口语中,也可以用来表示某人的能力不够或者缺乏某种技能。记住它的用法和同义词可以帮助你更准确地表达自己的意思。


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