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shock是什么意思? shock翻译(中文文):打击, 震动, 冲突




1. The sudden shock of the explosion left everyone in a state of panic. (爆炸突然发生,让每个人都陷入恐慌之中。)

shock是什么意思? shock翻译(中文文):打击, 震动, 冲突

2. She couldn't believe it when she received the shocking news of her father's passing. (当她收到父亲去世的令人震惊的消息时,她简直无法相信。)

3. The earthquake shook the city with such force that it caused widespread damage and shock. (地震以如此强大的力量摧毁了这座城市,造成了广泛的损害和震惊。)

4. The team's loss in the final game was a shock to their fans who had high hopes for them. (球队在最后一场比赛中的失利让他们那些对他们寄予厚望的粉丝感到震惊。)

5. I was shocked by his rude behavior towards the waiter at the restaurant. (他在餐厅对服务员粗鲁的行为让我感到震惊。)


1. Amaze - to cause someone to feel surprised or astonished.

2. Startle - to cause someone to suddenly feel shocked or frightened.

3. Stun - to make someone feel shocked or dazed.

4. Jolt - to surprise or shock someone in order to make them think or act differently.

5. Traumatize - to cause someone severe emotional shock and pain.




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