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1. The shielding on the spacecraft was designed to protect it from the intense radiation in space.(飞船上的屏蔽设计旨在保护它免受太空中强烈的辐射影响。)

2. The electromagnetic shielding around the computer prevents interference from other devices.(计算机周围的电磁屏蔽可以防止其他设备的干扰。)

3. The thick walls of the bunker provided excellent shielding from the nuclear blast.(掩体厚厚的墙壁为核爆提供了良好的防护。)

4. The electronic equipment is sensitive to electromagnetic waves and needs proper shielding.(电子设备对电磁波很敏感,需要适当的屏蔽。)

5. The new shielding technology has greatly improved the safety of nuclear power plants.(新型屏蔽技术极大地提高了核电站的安全性。)

同义词及用法方面,shielding的同义词包括protection, defense, barrier等。:

1. The shield provided protection for the soldiers during the battle.(盾牌为士在战斗中提供了保护。)

2. The defense system of the country is constantly being upgraded to prevent attacks from enemies.(该国的防御正在不断升级,以防止敌人的攻击。)

3. The barrier between the two countries has been lifted, allowing free movement of people and goods.(两国之间的屏障已被取消,允许人员和货物自由流动。)

编辑总结:shielding是指用来隔离或保护物体免受外部影响或危害的物质或技术。它常用作名词,在句子中可以作主语、宾语或定语。其同义词有protection, defense, barrier等。在技术领域中,shielding通常指电磁屏蔽,用来保护电子设备免受外部电磁干扰的影响。正确使用shielding可以有效保护设备和人员安全,提高工作效率。


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