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1. sagacious是什么意思?


2. sagacious的用法和例句读音读法


3. sagacious是什么意思?sagacious的用法和例句的用例

- The king was known for his sagacious leadership and was greatly respected by his people.


- The professor's sagacious advice helped the students to excel in their studies.


- The company's success can be attributed to the sagacious decisions made by its CEO.


- It takes a sagacious mind to see through the complexities of this problem.


- The old man's sagacious words of wisdom were passed down from generation to generation.


4. sagacious是什么意思?sagacious的用法和例句组词

- sagaciously (adv. 睿智地)

- sagacity (n. 睿智,聪明)

- unsagacious (adj. 愚蠢的,不明智的)

- sagaciousness (n. 睿智,聪明)

- nonsagacious (adj. 不睿智的,愚笨的)

5. sagacious是什么意思?sagacious的用法和例句的中英文对照

- The king was known for his sagacious leadership and was greatly respected by his people.


- The professor's sagacious advice helped the students to excel in their studies.


- The company's success can be attributed to the sagacious decisions made by its CEO.


- It takes a sagacious mind to see through the complexities of this problem.


- The old man's sagacious words of wisdom were passed down from generation to generation.





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