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senate什么意思? senate翻译(中文文):参议院, 上院 hellip



【三】senate通常作为一个专有名词出现,在句子中作为主语或者宾语使用。:The Senate will vote on the new bill next week.(参议院将在下周投票通过新法案。)此外,也可以用来表示某个具体或地区的参议院,如the British Senate(英国上议院)。

senate什么意思? senate翻译(中文文):参议院, 上院 hellip

【四】1. The Senate has the power to approve or reject presidential nominations.(参议院有权批准或者否决提名。)

2. The Senate is composed of 100 senators, with two from each state.(参议院由100位参议员组成,每个州有两位。)

3. The Senate is often referred to as the "upper house" of Congress.(参议院通常被称为国会的“上院”。)

4. The Senate has the responsibility to ratify treaties and confirm federal judges.(参议院负责批准条约和确认联邦。)

5. The Senate is currently controlled by the Republican party.(目前,参议院由共和党。)

【五】同义词及用法:在不同或地区,senate也可以被称为upper house、house of lords、upper chamber等。此外,也有一些类似的,如众议院(house of representatives)、国民议会(national assembly)等。



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