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seed什么意思? seed翻译(中文文):种子, 萌芽, 原由 hellip




1. The farmer planted the seed in the soil. (农民将种子种在土壤中。)

seed什么意思? seed翻译(中文文):种子, 萌芽, 原由 hellip

2. The idea for this project was seeded by a conversation with my colleague. (这个项目的想法是通过与我的同事的一次谈话而产生的。)

3. It takes time for a seed to grow into a tree. (种子长成树需要时间。)

4. She has been nurturing the seed of her dream for years and it finally came true. (她多年来一直培育着她梦想的种子,最终实现了。)

5. The company is looking for innovative ideas to seed their new product line. (公司正在寻找创新的想法来启动他们的新产品线。)


1. Kernel - the central or most important part of something (核心,要点)

2. Germ - a small thing that can grow and develop into something larger or more important (萌芽,发芽)

3. Origin - the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived from (起源,来源)

4. Spore - a reproductive cell or group of cells that can develop into a new individual without fusing with another reproductive cell (孢子)

5. Progeny - offspring, descendants, or the product of something (后代,后裔)




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