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secure什么意思? secure翻译(中文文):安全的, 可靠的,

一:secure什么意思? secure翻译(中文文):安全的, 可靠的, 的意思是指安全、稳固、无虞。在英语中,secure可以作为形容词、动词和副词使用,其含义都与安全和可靠性相关。

secure什么意思? secure翻译(中文文):安全的, 可靠的,

二:怎么读(音标) secure的音标为/sɪˈkjʊə(r)/。


1. 作形容词时,secure表示“安全的”、“可靠的”,指某物或某人具有保障或不受威胁。

例:The lock on the door made me feel secure. (门上的锁让我感到安全。)

2. 作动词时,secure表示“获得”、“取得”、“保护”,指通过努力或采取措施来达到某种结果。

例:He finally secured a job after months of searching. (经过数月的搜索,他终于找到了一份工作。)

3. 作副词时,secure表示“牢牢地”、“稳固地”,指某物或某人处于牢固或稳定状态。

例:She held onto the rope securely as she climbed the mountain. (她攀登山峰时牢牢抓住绳子。)


1. The bank has implemented new security measures to ensure that their customers' personal information is secure. (银行已经实施了新的安全措施,以确保客户的个人信息是安全的。)

2. The company has secured a contract with a major client, which will greatly increase their profits. (该公司已经与一家主要客户签订了合同,这将大大增加他们的利润。)

3. The seatbelt is designed to securely hold the passenger in place during a car accident. (安全带旨在在车祸中牢固地固定乘客。)

4. The government has taken steps to secure the country's borders and prevent illegal immigration. (已经采取措施来保护的,并防止非法移民。)

5. She felt secure in her relationship with her partner, knowing that he always supported and protected her. (她对与伴侣的关系感到安全,因为她知道他总是支持和保护她。)


1. safe:作形容词时,safe与secure含义相近,都表示“安全的”、“可靠的”,但safe更强调没有危险或风险。

例:The safe was locked tightly to protect the valuable items inside. (保险箱被紧紧锁住以保护里面的贵重物品。)

2. reliable:作形容词时,reliable也可以表示“可靠的”,但它更强调某物或某人的可信度和可靠性。

例:The new computer system is much more reliable than the old one. (新的电脑比旧的更可靠。)

3. protect:作动词时,protect与secure都可以表示“保护”,但protect更强调采取措施来防止危害。

例:It is important to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. (保护皮肤免受太阳有害的射线很重要。)




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