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翻译:Secondly (副词) - 其次、第二、其后



Secondly的音标为 /ˈsekəndli/,读音为 [sek-uh nd-lee]。


1. Secondly作为一个副词,通常放在句子中的首位或者紧跟着主语后面。:

- Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for coming here today.


- Secondly, I would like to introduce our new product to you.


2. 在使用secondly时,可以搭配使用firstly和lastly来表达更多观点或者事实。:

- Firstly, we need to consider the cost. Secondly, we should think about the quality. Lastly, we must take into account the delivery time.


3. 在书面语中,可以使用序数词来替代secondly来表达“其次”的意思。:

- Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support. Thirdly, I would like to introduce our new team members.



1. Firstly, we need to understand the problem. Secondly, we should analyze the causes. Lastly, we must come up with a solution.


2. Firstly, I would like to apologize for my mistake. Secondly, I want to assure you that it won't happen again. Lastly, I promise to be more careful in the future.


3. Firstly, we need to consider the budget. Secondly, we should think about the design. Lastly, we must choose the best materials for our project.


4. Firstly, let's talk about the advantages of this product. Secondly, we will discuss its limitations. Lastly, we will provide some suggestions for improvement.


5. Firstly, we need to understand the customer's needs. Secondly, we should analyze the market demand. Lastly, we must develop a product that meets both requirements.



1. Next (副词) - 下一个、接下来

:Next, we will discuss the budget for this project.


2. Secondly (副词) - 其次、第二、其后

:Secondly, we should consider the impact on the environment.


3. Furthermore (副词) - 此外、而且、更进一步

:Furthermore, we need to take into account the safety of our employees.


4. Moreover (副词) - 而且、此外、再者

:Moreover, we need to consider the long-term effects of this decision.


5. Additionally (副词) - 此外、另外、加之

:Additionally, we should think about the potential risks involved in this project.





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