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scorecard什么意思? scorecard翻译(中文文):记分卡 hellip


scorecard什么意思? scorecard翻译(中文文):记分卡 hellip


例句:1. The coach used a scorecard to keep track of each player's performance during the game.(教练使用记分卡来记录每个球员在比赛中的表现。)

2. The company uses a scorecard system to evaluate the performance of its employees.(公司使用记分卡来评估员工的表现。)

3. The judge held up the scorecard, revealing the winner of the dance competition.(裁判举起记分卡,揭示舞蹈比赛的获胜者。)

4. The scorecard showed that our sales have increased by 10% compared to last year.(记分卡显示,与去年相比,我们的销售额增加了10%。)

5. We use a balanced scorecard approach to measure our company's overall performance.(我们采用平衡记分卡方法来衡量公司的整体表现。)

同义词及用法:performance evaluation tool(绩效评估工具)、dashboard(仪表盘)、metrics tracker(指标追踪器)、report card(成绩单)



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