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1. scary [ˈskɛri] adj. causing fear; frightening



2. pronunciation: /ˈskɛri/

3. usage: used to describe something that is frightening or causes fear in someone


4. example sentences:

1) The haunted house was so scary that I couldn't even go inside.


2) The movie was too scary for me to watch alone.


3) She screamed when she saw the scary clown.


4) The roller coaster ride was both exciting and scary.


5) He told us a scary story around the campfire.


5. synonyms:

- frightening (adj.) causing fear; making someone afraid

- terrifying (adj.) causing extreme fear or dread; very frightening

- eerie (adj.) strange and frightening, often in a mysterious way

- spine-chilling (adj.) extremely frightening or terrifying; giving you goosebumps

6. editor's summary:

"Scary" is an adjective used to describe something that causes fear or is frightening. It can be used to describe anything from a movie, a story, or a situation that makes someone feel afraid. It is often used to describe something that is supernatural or out of the ordinary. Synonyms for "scary" include "frightening", "terrifying", "eerie", and "spine-chilling".


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