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revive什么意思? revive翻译(中文文):苏醒, 复兴, 复活




1. The doctor used a defibrillator to revive the patient's heart. 医生用除颤器使患者的心脏重新苏醒。

revive什么意思? revive翻译(中文文):苏醒, 复兴, 复活

2. The rain helped revive the wilted plants in the garden. 雨水帮助恢复了花园里枯萎的植物。

3. The new CEO has plans to revive the struggling company. 新任CEO有计划让这家陷入困境的公司复兴。

4. The government is implementing policies to revive the economy. 正在实施来振兴经济。

5. She tried to revive her old hobby of painting after many years of neglect. 多年荒废后,她试图重新培养自己的绘画爱好。


1. Resuscitate: 动词,指通过人工手段使某人苏醒或恢复生命体征。:The paramedics were able to resuscitate the drowning victim in time.

2. Restore: 动词,表示将某物恢复到原来的状态。:The antique dresser was carefully restored by a professional craftsman.

3. Renew: 动词,表示使某物重新焕发活力或恢复某种状态。:The vacation helped to renew my energy and enthusiasm for work.

4. Rekindle: 动词,指重新点燃某物或使某事物重新兴起。:The couple went on a romantic trip to rekindle their love for each other.

5. Rejuvenate: 动词,表示使某人或某物恢复年轻状态或活力。:The spa treatment helped to rejuvenate her tired body and mind.




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